Anh Huy Vo

I'm a


Let's have an in-depth view about who am I and my related experience

Data Scientist & Machine Learning Engineer

Basic information about myself as well as my education pathway

  • Birthday: 20 December 2001
  • Phone: +84 77 861 2201
  • Email:
  • City: Ho Chi Minh City
  • Age: 22
  • Degree: Computer Science (Honours)
  • Major: Machine Learning and AI
  • Minor: Cybersecurity


Technical skills that related to the role

Python 95%
Tensorflow / PyTorch / HuggingFace 90%
SQL / NoSQL 80%
Power BI / Tableau 60%
Azure Cloud Provider 60%
Java / R Script 40%
Hadoop / Spark / Kafka 40%
Docker / Jenkins / Gitlab 40%


An energetic and enthusiams Software Engineer with specialization in Machine Learning and AI looking for a place to advance my skill the IT industry general and in Machine Learning


Anh Huy Vo

  • Q7 Saigon Riverside Complex
  • +84 77 861 2201


Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)

2019 - 2023

University of South Australia, Adelaide, AU

  • Through out the course, I developed diverse skill in IT field such as Python - OOP and Critical Thinking as well as Problem Solving.
  • Not only that, learning multiple of algorithm that I can apply into project like Bubble Sort or Merge Sort

IBM & HarvardX Data Science

08/2019 - 06/2020

EdX Organization

  • By applying into this course, I can have an in-depth view about Data Science in particularly and Machine Learning and AI in general.
  • Furthermore, I also learnt variety kind of math method which can implement into data such as Random Forrest Classifier, K Nearest Neighbours, SVM

Professional Experience

Machine Learning Engineering Lead

06/2022 - Present

Otrafy Technologies Inc

  • Responsible for building MLOps Pipeline using Azure Cloud Provider to maintain and improve Machine Learning model performance
  • Design an end-to-end Machine Learning solution to improve user experience on Otrafy platform using
  • Leading the Data team to create product and features related to Data Analytics, Data Science and Machine Learning
  • Working with cross-department to gather and framing business and technical requirements for the features

Data Scientist

06/2021 - 06/2022

Otrafy Technologies Inc

  • Create and implement Machine Learning model using HuggingFace, PyTorch from scratch to support end users in reading and extract key information from document
  • Focusing on research about solution in Optical Character Recognition and Document AI in Supply Chain and Manufacturing field
  • Deploy and bring state-of-art model in Document AI into production using Azure Cloud Provider to improve user experience
  • Conduct and implement end-to-end Machine Learning solution for Otrafy Platform

Research Assistant - Data Scientist

11/2020 - 08/2021

Industrial AI Research Centre - UniSA

  • Design Predictive Analytics modelling to help forecasting the use cases in Logistic and Engineering
  • Collaborate with Doctorate to analyze Time Series Prediction solution for B2C user to improve selling income
  • Design dashboard and visualization for data analysis result with PowerBI and Tableau


Personal and Intern Project that I have joined and participate in through out my University period
These work are all end-to-end project. From the stage that I gathering data to the analysing and evaluating Model
Not only that, there are some app that I built during my free time

Promotion Dataset

Causal Inferences & EDA

BimBim Market

Web & App

Multi-Domain Sentiment

Natural Language Processing

User's Recommend Item

Recommendation System

Porto Seguro Driver Dataset

Imbalance Classification

Chest Abnormality Detection

Object Detection

XRAY Chest Classfication

Deep Learning

Vietnam Customer Behavior

Business Analysis

Award & Recognition

Conference Speaker

Predictive Analytics World 2023 - Deep Learning Track

Data Augmentation Technique for Document Image Classification


AMC Australian Math Competition

Joining into Australian Math Competition with Certificate of Credit and Participant
From Year 10 (2017) - To Year 12 (2019)

Capture The Flag (CTF) Contributor

Member of team Runn3r5 participate into multiple of Capture the Flag Competition such as HSCTF, Newark Academy CTF, etc.
Since 2017 - To 2019



14A Sutherland Road, Ferryden Park, 5010


+61 433 956 884

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